libmediaart-2_0-0-1.9.6-150400.3.3.1<>,;Xchp9|EY'ڼcԀ)K-LD$Fhi!:j,ǵ@Ie_Gn瓴 Aea3'O/iV2AUtD"*OiiRcfLu^Y(IBXo;Ibp70jRɊlOnixos%\X]<~Mo{YOp|fn EylK hcL|#\PjН.݃w`_.hPlEu(M>@?d ' D  6Grx    4 TdxH(8 9 : >@FGHI X$Y0\X]h^bcd0e5f8l:uPv`wxy( zL\`fClibmediaart-2_0-01.9.6150400.3.3.1Media Art extraction libraryThe libmediaart library is the foundation for media art caching, extraction and lookup for applications on the desktop.chibs-centriq-3sSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1-or-later gA큤chchchb<    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/`@^hZ1@ZZX@YYY{' Update to version 1.9.6: + build: Add introspection/vapi/tests options. + build: Use library() to optionally build a static library.- Update to version 1.9.5: + libmediaart: - Remove QT4 support - Mandate that input strings are UTF8 + extract: Remove local storage + build: - Drop autotools support - Update to recent glib API - Introspection fixes - Added CI - Drop meson-Introspection-fix.patch: Fixed upstream. - Update meson option for building docs to new gtk_doc=true value.- Fix URL, update to current home. - Use autosetup macro.- Update summaries.- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Add meson-Introspection-fix.patch: The meson build did not add the extractdummy.c to the sources, which contains introspection annotations (bgo#792272, bgo#791586).- Add meson BuildRequires and switch autotools macros configure, make and makeinstall to meson, meson_build and meson_install following upstream switch to Meson build system. - Add pkgconfig(vapigen) BuildRequires: Build Vala bindings. - Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec, add pkgconfig BuildRequires.- Update to version 1.9.4: + Brown paper bag release, export some missing methods that went unintentionally hidden. - Changes from version 1.9.3: + Brown paper bag release, fixes soname on meson builds and missing includes on autotools. - Changes from version 1.9.2: + extract: Remove Nokia album art downloader support. + build: - Improve dependency tracker for marshallers sources. - Remove duplicate introspection comment for media_art_error_quark(). - Add meson build instructions. - Drop upstream fixed patches: + libmediaart-remove-nokia-albumart.patch. + libmediaart-build-marshall-files-fixes.patch. + libmediaart-remove-duplicate-introspection.patch. - Drop libtool BuildRequires and stop passsing autoreconf, no longer needed as there are no more patches.- Add libmediaart-remove-nokia-albumart.patch: Remove Nokia album art downloader support (bgo#767959). - Add libmediaart-build-marshall-files-fixes.patch: Improve dependency tracking for marshallers sources and add an explicit dependency on marshal files. - Add libmediaart-remove-duplicate-introspection.patch: Remove duplicate introspection comment for media_art_error_quark(). - Add libtool BuildRequires and pass autoreconf as one of the patches touches the buildsystem.- Update to version 1.9.1: + Extract: - Introspection fix. - Coverity fix. + tests: Fix tests to run both installed and built. + libmediaart: Fix marshallers, hide private symbols.- Pass --disable-static, --enable-gdkpixbuf, --enable-gtk-doc, - -disable-qt and --disable-installed-tests to configure, ensure we build the options we want. - Following the above, add gtk-doc BuildRequires.- Update to version 1.9.0: + tracker should not scatter .mediaartlocal folders across filesystem (bgo#722795). + Add async calls (bgo#724879). - Bump soname, and rename subpackages following upstream changes./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigibs-centriq-3 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a53559b780676789e9033d2899a421ca269f372b, strippeddirectoryASCII text PRRRRR RRR?*biܐ"utf-8a66f5b6214692d9f2c7d5ef496ae0073bdebd68e29f866e27337c61b0fd9dca2?7zXZ !t/H!1]"k%fk|DGT3^3CRv]:sX-xLʼA[WXv1f*=Dy K:h+x8@Wc8-K;;iiiMAOjWO;j``$Xz_(=k >(š hV3 0cs,m>U\#YA}*IBYK~;rHKlՁ.$]@-kiDH Ey>jߊ,G/@C/ *H>Xۤwwp6Ld9p3č+d^50܌-֤Roƭ3FGSy5.@0!}7ΎBƮȢ>$^eXk~QEk푿 .z\'\7M:߿E47։y ~n ¢5h&HRh-/ٕ{ZDt 7ùmWp ƈ`eRC]|PO"IT s Y*>Wk66; -gV /w^gثйd꺁 q,)ٓufEnc-vȅ5V%R\DBq'm6[oz.OJjl ܶK <6[ļ6 DMlDf9&ٟ({\ /. 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