libadns1-1.5.1-lp151.3.3.1<>,; ^6/=„ Y=c.5a1lXtqY.p9#l>_96Ij^e:[o4%W#{:eSM6[P\N$;aY#RX֬*4}E 1`}(Ύ%c5AuXzIH޽pSu.9!ÂNQu+?KJ: br|ҙq URwj[ׯa䝖m)u4fY%ʭ(>Cd?Td   B DJPX \ ` h  0h(8 9 : >@BF%G8H@IHXLY\Z[\]^bc|d eflu$v,wxy zPClibadns11.5.1lp151.3.3.1Advanced DNS resolver client libraryLibadns is an advanced, easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS resolver client library for C (and C++) programs.^6lamb70openSUSE Leap 15.1openSUSEGPL-2.0+http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Libraries^6^    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/^(@YXӸTPQ@QQINxNˎNˎKristyna Streitova add the following patches to fix multiple vulnerabilities [bsc#1172265] * adns-1.5.1-CVE-2017-9103.patch [CVE-2017-9103] * adns-1.5.1-CVE-2017-9104.patch [CVE-2017-9104] * adns-1.5.1-CVE-2017-9105.patch [CVE-2017-9105] * adns-1.5.1-CVE-2017-9106.patch [CVE-2017-9106] * adns-1.5.1-CVE-2017-9107.patch [CVE-2017-9107] * adns-1.5.1-CVE-2017-9108.patch [CVE-2017-9108] * adns-1.5.1-CVE-2017-9109.patch [CVE-2017-9109]- Update to 1.5.1 * Fix addr queries (including subqueries, ie including deferencing MX lookups etc.) not to crash when one of the address queries returns tempfail. Also, do not return a spurious pointer to the application when one of the address queries returns a permanent error (although, the application almost certainly won't use this pointer because the associated count is zero). * Portability fix for systems where socklen_t is bigger than int. * Fix for malicious optimisation of memcpy in test suite, which causes failure with gcc-4.1.9 -O3. * Fix TCP async connect handling. The bug is hidden on Linux and on most systems where the nameserver is on localhost. If it is not hidden, adns's TCP support is broken unless adns_if_noautosys is used. * adnsresfilter: Fix addrtextbuf buffer size. This is not actually a problem in real compiled code but should be corrected. * Properly include harness.h in adnstest.c in regress/. Suppresses a couple of compiler warnings (implicit declaration of Texit, etc.) - cleanup with spec-cleaner- cleanup with spec-cleaner - get rid of %{name} macro in the patch name - restart patch numbering- Remove obsolete patches * adns-ocloexec.patch * adns-1.4-ipv6.patch - Add gpg signature - Cleanup spec-file with spec-cleaner - Remove already disabled %check section, tests require working network setup - Update to 1.5.0 * This release provides full IPv6 support. Applications can request AAAA records (containing IPv6 addresses) as well as, or instead of, A records (containing IPv4 addresses). adns 1.5 can speak to nameservers over IPv6. * converting between addresses and address literals. These carry less baggage than getaddrinfo and getnameinfo. * bugfixes and other minor changes (see changelog for details)- remove debug statement in the spec file, leftover from previous change.- Build with large file support in 32 bit archs, autoconf stuff is fine, but C files included config.h after C library headers, therefore no prototypes for *64 functions found.- Added download url as source. Please see add autoconf as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency- Remove redundant/unwanted tags/section (cf. specfile guidelines)- Use O_CLOEXEC in library code. - Change the visibility patch to not use the error prone version-script but rather GCC visibility/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfiglibadnslamb70 15919489421. -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8fec579f863683d143e6322f5efa93a2a08f4aac, stripped PRRRR RRRRJ`ǿSwO"utf-8a2467c01c2bfc4868096dafc8b10247ad75ad111f5aa2555f5ad33c2e66a74b9?7zXZ !t/>##]"k%ndj1kL4Z3Nج$]/`</wԣ%'5ÚsC7otY}уC(|U+^WU&k)n [+`X_ ]i"e&#arڣF4-84s5؏"f.Jp;VL FT D޻y"z~0`RPƃAC*<t"Yتl^eO >' &J* N𙆟/LhX{y]ìD)C ǯaRDچ1J\l++893Hcp|tow0“,XYġmcrpN.Eizb^]=MBMC|&&Vq}Cr(ĆҠsqGAn#}+$` 5U/Bm,.Úq?݈zu7K i(\W41] Ojm׏ix'~hvPZ"*hp{ԣ?W?VoiB^x5oL2|;.ZQ0,5NYI9~‹k l+{2gdԨtkqNȾbF8>9 b$\ukPy꿶Q|h̓ŀ9JhK5 ;xyYPHo@3#)vM@g~F-\t<.kmDb\Phl-W{E Luw]SE8 m5jЪө|ޙ DkBhoab5yet .ǡa9R9@B`ypg.2+RtZ:ӒLOdI5آƫiǺOYk?ͩOn&67*!@} (V 1b:bIt JNfYж]vBZ]/p5C3sX0mXWی9 qoͧ")50ݙ|' i(HLCS.y^xXazKslϒ ܌I>mSWҩQX[&"jߌi{˕p69P@L&#LqG}|yKbD6NE.&O] T*}\sg@c*_r%>PP-8bYv$&^1H=w_UkCD_5?Yot'&s>:9T}Ծdޛ9P<S3GzŸsכܠ3+N+Gekd xs\*tӟ;Gg9ϥjS; "rhHj9 Ir(IQyPWl 7 Le1aA v5V]uӁ5Rv*`(vZG3Q'u*$M3@H(,}F2 nd8xT޾-Au ŏ6k؊+ehb @.Tſ7f;.`hCKb8&D'uO/E욛!}fB0mB\ V*N=h1mn֟X}{k^a; Rƍ0ւh&Z{A`_42c/euS#QHP!}4E3WݺT?xvM FS1ܺ'VdPJ ݦ?^ի2OsS(\!M]' 8ِ5@OlTW%nvU"wD4"t aL­ Q ^a9F3<-{z ̙B?1ֹ-;S[w +յENN%]ȫ?i`m>$] @8;T[A-AE)X+Vx[_\~A3N^lɉ |4+'w +yf0y|Gkٱg+t\4MvJU<<<0hNyH;=2r4Uqxz6+)BHe명?!Qbd/yF< YBG8 @"߫r_E J<㾏~A{b=wa ]LINJWt ;c=}o of&1yT^æCqX,O1N4 \w93?!\O~|2<>?<ӎ/M{,yiHT`GJ,aws5׎y \ -!}F{IN;Zr'v8 h~ ̘4 Ʒ1Ku\llSA 6VZR`6c@U*$k)$¾siViyur6h~lYv˿CKwg~.JgM,X ۈqC 3Iqt?(a~[NLbK9*+6sWȍG#j/~.NGp}oZ3u6V} W=vi'bґ?w¤p}۾ cˈQDJ ;'ˊsUf3-w!bX7ϲ*b 7y"U8 j9L7ԎnW2E>te%!Fm`_$%#.ŇNjN1.uNƻ?c{D:"}&cVCY1W׶?HIN`WoR F~c7Ob-Mbz?M®t{iV&JF,{[RxmVb_Bʶ(L˻z8ukF}h.m9tg"Đ.qvUw3Ow]%#J {'ܽ(Uӳm[7FZnV3KgA:w;0d)Yiw28Qg45䷡b1DPt=PH >[ѳ׼ʏظuKC|, Iq*{%Gw3b9+h-հ!Hߋw<=%G2cb B8ut;rGzy![6!(Ly$%)l;dDI(+p2,']?ͤ{N>%n&)Sq=rr%"ؠS?Xl)N)ےF\ic1C܋=$,Pnr,'=}4mkGUE6,!ZRt>38FVv]PAϢf꿨z9F1nYi} $iለKh"$Y:@v(h9 !sQY!jgiJ,/K䔑f@-PԈ-B鳰ϗJߧx֊g >7ٲ+CMFSEO#  C$f+M*׷ֆ78 U6:m7_Z}=Ew z=Q @ˡބ r%6M3ëE{䴢>uIhS_E8ha \,1=!p( ZLa!DU}D:&Y|)J,Yh;%$ca-Ee\ͭ Mvm[dyak!,8JO|fcpv6xnBbA9OVGWJ P˭R E0d$ 7S]VGAy"XU(@F$)kFx71C6,mӽO]!I{Gb"}|s_{7c 8DNpE%Vԡ5WzYT1yu+5!\jLXޠR rlȂqEy6olEI~ͯEA'z؅;-o[470 ܙY=XH݃)7 ^rbSoTfMѤsJX,a lG2r(zh=714,v;>?܌5BR(F7I{+f,xΆͧv|acPݒ\aB:bbk&1Uy`P!>DRٚF[B*lˎ!&UX/x:"/RDWH(3 \տ.jv e o =ԄuŷGdD]Q2gy|Cx-m&Wb^dcYo57/kK ^Vh/n00di C1_ޖZjJy-0w'n,1 fƿtjJ:* '|XqhY".њ؁D8B&# >O3Mv$ZQ _ُWFb>*JchJCfI{ ~`)ɩq H?u.&/ ;X%e`1;Dh7Ph[?+K]\!GT'M2Ɉ0ҹٽK6J5aMpmč{r._COt4򆷞t!X#VUWK)I h#=/7t9,A6we#@' eYhu*T O*j_tO=A:00 z\aD>/H }hd2 ש`ǃ  L74QuǺJtfVn:eqT7J~ƶٿ:\KOZσ!m]I+z'& o@l{h`IUUTF"N[(o$IwVgGʹ |ɄP I^QPѾ&+]^vwt|r4ԸaiƳ E~yC!H|n KSWAh]:VEq/,wj6Tn!O/0V̜H Y@è Kr{q0 }1tG/ ŁgxTHsUf ҳӚv8f 0?w t ,F?٤;WqJ)| )سÀ7Q]Kجs% 5cu*{i,f"9G,e^Cckh)}+Wmyb>'|cGz8Kjbg~Y~bKpt PO/׀:V_Qmc.xѳPN^,,.lv 1ro5)+çvGOZ\W̷tfGr_{jDmV.JJm_:Ouu q% D|@ǯ!(B޹ȫqqpՉ=[W?߀qe& sѦE݌[P .{̪dz2ޗ&i> 䛝ue%B'H-cv:Z!Culܩ/hw`y)a=^1#bOJ۞:mc a!IQN鞄onXPn(4ԚT#@[EВqbKN|ccHNӣZS=C~\Ok vaRc]F9D}jOJ[ywR:|HB@UbC_pCFùTc+p?4yJ{(c!ѦSGkF}g YZ