libapr-util1-dbd-mysql-1.6.1-lp150.8.1<>,P]/=„ AUy=K:#uEmRF"',p?h;:?.^,D3xd,*"7דG~ C ab^ ׼0Tgc>p]t{3Ϫڂΰ& zz/f=|g4 ~ e/TB,jIAq]œ& SZBkd!F[l<ݔLIn1U`> ? d ) >`dpt     B X`jt  = (f8p 9 : F vG H I X Y \ ] ^ b c d Fe Kf Nl Pu dv lw x y z ( 8 < B Clibapr-util1-dbd-mysql1.6.1lp150.8.1DBD driver for MySQLDBD driver for MySQL database.]cloud111Z0openSUSE Leap 15.0openSUSELGPL-2.1+http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Libraries]]b5d669b75a74f2e7a03ce9f3933ad41ca89ac584a55c58e37cf9f0a96ead9eb87apr_dbd_mysql-1.sorootrootrootrootapr-util-1.6.1-lp150.8.1.src.rpmlibapr-util1-dbd-mysqllibapr-util1-dbd-mysql(x86-64)@@@@@@@]x[ZfZ@YYlYf@YGWKV=@V@TBV@T?@Vítězslav Čížek Add missing zlib-devel build dependency which used to be pulled in by libopenssl-devel. The package fails to build since the openssl upgrade to 1.1.1 (bsc#1149792)- extend apr-util-mariadb-10.2.patch: Fix detection / build with MariaDB 10.2. [bsc#1094754]- Add apr-util-mariadb-10.2.patch: Fix detection / build with MariaDB 10.2.- APR-util 1.6.1 * apr_crypto: Fix compatibility with LibreSSL. PR 61596. * sdbm: better database/page validation to fail cleanly when corrupted [bsc#1064990], CVE-2017-12618- We need to obsolete same version of package (bsc#1063305)- Replace unusual *.?a match by *.la. - Fix RPM groups, diversify summaries.- Rename package to apr-util - Drop baselib.conf as it does not target any supported architecture- APR-util 1.6.0 * Update MySQL build to stop using libmysqlclient_r * apr_siphash: Implement keyed hash function SipHash * apr_buckets: Add apr_bucket_file_set_buf_size() * apr_crypto: avoid excessive iteration in bcrypt hash. * apr_xml_to_text: Add style APR_XML_X2T_PARSED. * see for extra details- require just posgresql-devel everywhere, it seems to work now- require postgresql-devel less then 9.4 to fix build on SLE_12 and SLE_12_SP1- require postgresql-devel version at least 9.1.0 to fix build for SLE-11-SP4- fix requires after spec-cleaner- Clean up with spec-cleaner - Kill support of sle10 and sle9 - Remove unused configure switchescloud111 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e3849e75da69a16a04c16e733663864a9daf64e5, strippedRRRRRRR s-5utf-89f8232c083e19dd155a475233411dc17aa72f3f1fdf81e5bff27bea8e6926fe7? 7zXZ !t/% p]"k%ֿ۫Zv;s4`q*;\Q:pCFճ1OFd j6DrczR'hP-E?q̹.C.N<%w.O̐,6m Dtw3<X/. -c{{1 غ!\h'h$%LjAd"/Uq:9jp];X7KQ*Pk{WCPվ6$e.9~sqMm_zZ9ZZ87w4=i{D@@4_g],ϚlxW)~F<4`8% e0kl˥BAY0ۺz}&N 8lb,#OvT^͇RoPtno?. k͹͈z70njxR9 -+{]}B:0]W LeS|=S6zjO ;CBfJX*q̸toR9\* N\'3݉âTBo.,m*녩yQv{56K$r/îa=v-Ce 7IG9+eթ_M4gjDӖĞC7A|0J~caCNE davr {L''6 ŷT5)]pzha\z]7/-2wdzn35pM'ؚJs9q](t9j1gkoP@rOV䣟p: ?"gh^Ξ -o؞gZǣp  Gۨs] )(6m^lTRxȅ1cTLHP-j'"vk,ydUjB'WaWDefa>{'!&K:ݔC˵.Mqy!E% & 3E1qq6!c6|Ɗl7jU;m$"VQF"/})5,3dG a?iӋ&%arf1V{0%crBf"^zz XcLRP\mg`dBU$$|7 9 ;79!`ž^AB/9H?O]+#헄!P3D>QP#Ͼu'u1,3CuBKWܮٕ&Sצ|P&u)=:hՊ3(xUpqm*I/jzTJ}Gi1m5?hw6|lN@l0hOcUK>9($lE{V,-ؑc͡7̧ԍMSkSZJS؉qTԭ(A84 un3G.RGS VéE/.BZἇl1hye;ڧlN*..o} PDnNFn9z͢{r`p-o:CUcȇ#LA;Ş}9TM- Q= @`,ct"[-u<1e̫"ǠKйQUM4o ^e*[46GCyaXeq6Gn$P`ڄ}ᆮk:^<68Ѹ[͐^͌v|Z.v cv!]drRtd5Wy_(2jf'1t0x=t- -c{vkC~jiWNɢ7JTTg]Ǣpm!@JS4ZB9Y5|gӽ6SvIp6۝bjh"cw{t*@)Uv_V dĹEǟIjܽe6)ݚFԜ1UWgcgd$gOZ3AA8h|V WhdV |lH$-"L