libgfbgraph-0_2-0-0.2.3-150000.3.5.1<>,$bRp9|Cծa[3qRX Zz|{4=g Eօ}QY[# 꿥jUyBA|) |I pzo|%%c![΅~x>jǗA$~\T"<C*wC?;5,(]6QDcLBi?U3Tտ$qy6eizg5v,ԲdOT>@?d ' Ept $D T d    ,Lt,tB(l8t9:> :@ IF XG pH I X Y \ ] ^ rb c kd e f l uv$wxy zTdhnClibgfbgraph-0_2-00.2.3150000.3.5.1Access the Facebook Graph APIA GObject library for Facebook Graph APIbRibs-arm-3zSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1+ (#g9yסA큤bNbObPRRRUU3d5202da57efc838b9f04e402305296b6bb53c6195ac6d17770237490d0187e4f2ede5edaf633f25de37d028bf3aa475fe3f353b73e4280533ea8fe333bb429bf734933bd7d49ae    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ Add libgfbgraph-Fix-CVE-2021-39358-by-forcing-TLS-certificate-validation.patch: gfbgraph-photo.c does not enable TLS certificate verification on the SoupSessionSync objects it creates, leaving users vulnerable to network MITM attacks. This is similar to the fix performed in other packages. See Teams/Releng/security#57 for more details (glgo#GNOME/libgfbgraph!5, bsc#1189850).- Update to version 0.2.3: + The major update in this version is the support fo the version 2.3 of the Facebook Graph API. + The changes include: - The tests has been improved to use the Facebook test API (creating a test user). - A node now can be linked to other (if allowed). This allow to publish data to Facebook! For the moment just albums and photos. - bgo#752380: Updated the API of Facebook Graph to version 2.3 due deprecation of 1.0. - The documentation has been polished and now respect parallel installations.- Update to version 0.2.2: + Now with development documentation thanks to gtk-doc. + Also the node base class includes the modification date.- Initial package, version 0.2.1./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigibs-arm-3 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a92bfc4cc53ab8da6a0e2d47e9cb02740df6f205, strippeddirectoryUTF-8 Unicode textASCII text PRRR R R RRR RR RRZPcMqG*Zutf-8b0d71ae184ef6813672f24ff8ab1fe4a086b1aca5745473ef4c2988b72840f76?7zXZ !t/t ]"k%dY]y0b8v Z3)z_3M|Ji.7e׈+kvq$:'׵),fs^ 3 W eXv 3/Чs>i|+_5S!Gm+%&N&HeL"n]5at}ƇD~P3w2S o孵8~rj~5֠;J*WX\rz%XƙbucMfSп:[  f{qeQ/9+O0$uل: Ik-Zua !5a=`qb3Jt 5Sjp - n, z_Ǔ`zF k{tI:d|~I0/:y ?:,**̽@]'`u$/cmTPT>o`F~r{+mʑV=Iy,oYshx.96On\WZcw~,wB_WʮptžfwЋjI" :RkP4=ޕd:Z$4Eui\,~.&l(M;mY h`4'zCAqGurU:񊰤ö}w]!5O~M59BO+=÷u n[jO NwzT!j-}L+ޅ@nJN!ܞ1sT dOCgTY@L+$sKKKfم0ryZʽ=&Lr(<BHz{VEݔ }ƀ}?Z1~<&j抰 |6ƈe W1(ֻV/th*oe[Bc{L^QXtJ8!/ H{7Xɉ-Co|e[dL1+K NIGl.dhW]C]$M_q4m+ 4IN¡\ҜVMmz_z/,?dnAЂL@!%(,.oUP>M !m4 ɋRq4)r:91W/h:-:<F_h_w~}JABәZ󅵒ˉ]d̥7~Mqq{ QDtar_w/XKz¶L ?Ž|YTGAHO\εMoqp,." qG4 Blj jEsiD2M#z2lJ CgZg޴ 3O[kx .6ߢ^#pmOTñ1;ſȫRnW><%ՃwtEާ_vpfg Q$6Ǝw'&MjxOѦ K4e(fKTk!Ꮛvo'(}mW /5&#@XYkK4Y܎Q"|OߜӻcMDj7fl'k٪at& !QlL>,55ngy`E4Pw|@EM5V4KO:€$s&!e]Pn]?ڥm¾#,hXs]CBc~+%ǩMiz<ґ<хivcd32Nx H]j ާ ;zbQɅ7F@Z`Cw`3xz'b3A>2[p_I Ych95LwgۉŎ: l HPOggty}' ~̿NDnd@rW$&pdf ZAz}N|h&QN)ɚ{`pLi RZ*V"Įg;5CRn x Ah)I 5^ypձ~σ'9Yz0M|XWɽ/9Yç4![X:eehe@Q.o/݆cx\C2ZP2["t_BpdsT~oR͎9I_]?Ty