--- Changelog.all ----------- Fri Nov  5 08:12:10 UTC 2021 ------
------------------  2021-5-12  -  May 12 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 76.0.4017.123
  - DNA-91951 SkipAds click by default with Adblocker on Youtube
  - DNA-92293 [Mac] Crash at opera::BrowserWindowImpl::Cleanup()
  - DNA-92714 [Mac] Worskpace switching lags with lot of tabs
  - DNA-92847 DCHECK at tab_lifecycle_unit_source.cc:145
  - DNA-92860 [Windows] Fix issues when running buildsign script
    with Python 3
  - DNA-92879 Fix issues when running buildsign script with
    Python 3
  - DNA-92938 opera://activity/ page ignores workspaces
  - DNA-93015 [Player] Panel is too narrow
  - DNA-93044 Remove unnecessary question mark in Cashback string
    in Polish
  - DNA-93070 [Search Tabs] Selecting items with cursor keys skips
    over content matches
  - DNA-93122 Use input in builddiff.py
  - DNA-93175 Fix running repacking

------------------  2021-5-7  -  May 7 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 76.0.4017.107
  - CHR-8413 Update chromium on desktop-stable-90-4017 to
  - DNA-90168 Display SD suggestions titles
  - DNA-92693 ‘Re-attach tab’ overlay is not resized with window
  - DNA-92926 [Mac][Cashback] “Close Tab” menu item not greyed out
    for Cashback corner
  - DNA-92934 Report crashes from opera://crashes and Tooltip to
    new Atlassian
  - DNA-92980 Enable tutorials flag on all streams
  - The update to chromium 90.0.4430.93 fixes following issues:
    CVE-2021-21227, CVE-2021-21232, CVE-2021-21233, CVE-2021-21228,
    CVE-2021-21229, CVE-2021-21230, CVE-2021-21231

------------------  2021-5-2  -  May 2 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 76.0.4017.94
  - released on the stable branch
  - Update to version 76.0.4017.88
  - CHR-8404 Update chromium on desktop-stable-90-4017
    to 90.0.4430.85
  - DNA-92219 Add bookmark API supports to the front-end
  - DNA-92409 [MAC] ‘Present now’ options windows appear behind
    detached window
  - DNA-92615 Capture tab from the tab context menu
  - DNA-92616 Capture tab from Snapshot
  - DNA-92617 Capture tab from image context menu
  - DNA-92652 Opera 76 translations
  - DNA-92680 Make image selector on any page work like bookmarks
    popup WP2
  - DNA-92707 Crash at void
    base::ObserverList::AddObserver(class content::PrerenderHost::Observer*)
  - DNA-92710 Autoupdate on macOS 11.3 not working
  - DNA-92711 Make image selector on any page work like
    bookmarks popup WP3
  - DNA-92730 Make image selector on any page work like
    bookmarks popup WP4
  - DNA-92761 Make image selector on any page work like
    bookmarks popup WP5
  - DNA-92776 Make image selector on any page work like
    bookmarks popup WP6
  - DNA-92862 Make “View pinboards” button work
  - DNA-92906 Provide in-house translations for Cashback strings
    to Spanish
  - DNA-92908 API collides with oneclick installer
  - The update to chromium 90.0.4430.85 fixes following issues:
  - CVE-2021-21222, CVE-2021-21223, CVE-2021-21224, CVE-2021-21225,
  - Complete Opera 76.0 changelog at:

------------------  2021-4-27  -  Apr 27 2021  -------------------

++++ 7kaa-music:

  - Fixed invalid version, use correct upstream version 2.15

++++ discord:

  - reverted to working electron-ffmpeg v10.4.3

------------------  2021-4-20  -  Apr 20 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 75.0.3969.218
  - CHR-8393 Update chromium on desktop-stable-89-3969 to
  - DNA-92113 Windows debug fails to compile
  - DNA-92198 [Arm] Update signing scripts
  - DNA-92200 [Arm] Create universal packages from two buildsets
  - DNA-92338 [Search tabs] The preview isn’t updated when the tab
    from another window is closed
  - DNA-92410 [Download popup] Selected item still looks bad in
    dark mode
  - DNA-92441 Compilation error
  - DNA-92514 Allow to generate universal DMG package from existing
    universal .tar.xz
  - DNA-92608 Opera 75 crash during rapid workspace switching
  - DNA-92627 Crash at automation::Error::code()
  - DNA-92630 Crash at
  - DNA-92648 Amazon icon disappears from Sidebar Extensions
    section after pressing Hide Amazon button
  - DNA-92681 Add missing string in Japanese
  - DNA-92684 Fix issues with signing multiple bsids
  - DNA-92706 Update repack generation from universal packages
  - DNA-92725 Enable IPFS for all channels
  - The update to chromium 89.0.4389.128 fixes following issues:
    CVE-2021-21206, CVE-2021-21220

------------------  2021-4-15  -  Apr 15 2021  -------------------

++++ steam:

  - Update to version
    * Request running on a discrete or otherwise "big" GPU
    * Build using updated Steam client:
  - Client timestamp 1616532526 (2021-03-23)
  - Steam Runtime version 0.20210126.2

------------------  2021-4-14  -  Apr 14 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 75.0.3969.171
  - CHR-8380 Update chromium on desktop-stable-89-3969 to
  - DNA-91889 [LastCard] Better condition to determine if
    registration is completed
  - DNA-91987 packaging:create_opautotestlist_json fails on pip
  - DNA-92249 Synchronization ‘enabled’ pop out has patchy
    background color
  - DNA-92332 Add DigiCertGlobalRoot to get.geo.opera.com pin list
  - DNA-92362 [Win+Lin] Opera browser can’t be closed after
    dismissing the ‘Warn on quitting Opera..” dialog
  - DNA-92410 [Download popup] Selected item still looks bad
    in dark mode
  - DNA-92412 Fix adding universal package to correct build
  - DNA-92458 Dark mini player
  - DNA-92524 Missing dependency on safe_browsing
  - The update to chromium 89.0.4389.114 fixes following issues:
    CVE-2021-21194, CVE-2021-21195, CVE-2021-21196, CVE-2021-21197,
    CVE-2021-21198, CVE-2021-21199

------------------  2021-4-13  -  Apr 13 2021  -------------------

++++ devilutionx:

  - Update to version 1.2.1
    * Gharbad not having to go out of vision before progressing his
    * Diablo: Items with negative AC morphing in multiplayer
    * Diablo: Griswold and Wirt selling unusually expensive items
    * Diablo: Gold not going directly to inventory
    * Hellfire: Some monsters having lower than intended HP
    * Hellfire: Auric Amulet not taking effect in most scenarios
    Stability / Performance / System
    * Quest panel crashing the game for some quests
    Bugfixes for original Hellfire bugs
    * Rage/Search/Lightningwall not factoring in the hero level for
    the first player
    * Sparkling Shrine dealing an incorrect amount of damage
    * Items with negative AC morphing in multiplayer

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 6.0.5
    * Based on WinRAR 6.0.1

------------------  2021-4-10  -  Apr 10 2021  -------------------

++++ wine-mono:

  - updated to 6.1.1 for wine 6.6

------------------  2021-4-7  -  Apr 7 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 75.0.3969.141
  - CHR-8356 Update chromium on desktop-stable-89-3969 to
  - DNA-91636 [Linux] Use component-updated Widevine CDM
  - DNA-91909 Follow up review issues from DNA-91863
  - DNA-92220 Fix errors in O75 translations
  - DNA-92261 Enable kFeatureNewFeedbackForSearchInTabs for all streams
  - DNA-92296 Crash when clicking buttons/links on default browser infobar
  - DNA-92339 Make #cashback flag visible
  - The update to chromium 89.0.4389.90 fixes following issues:
    CVE-2021-21191, CVE-2021-21192, CVE-2021-21193
  - Complete Opera 75.0 changelog at:

------------------  2021-4-6  -  Apr 6 2021  -------------------

++++ devilutionx:

  - Update to version 1.2.0
    * Hellfire support
    * Shareware support
    * Fully migrate saves between Diablo and Hellfire
    * Gold picked goes to stack even when inventory is open
    * Pepin automatically heals
    * Show other players on the map
    * Preserve list position when buying and selling items in stores
    * Preserve hotkeys and active spell across games
    * Set default active spell for new heroes
    * Experience bar (off by default)
    * Monster health bar (off by default)
    * Auto equip all item types on pickup or purchase (off by default)
    * Auto pickup gold (off by default)
    * Run in town (off by default) (also in multiplayer)
    * Disable friendly fire from arrows an spells (off by default)
    * Disable quest randomization (off by default)
    * Adria refills mana (off by default)
    * Barbarian and Bard heroes in Diablo (off by default)
    * Use belt via the numpad
    * Close panels when pressing ESC
    * Shift-click to spend all stat points
    * Shift-click to clear readied spell
    * Shift-click consumables to move them between the belt and
    * Shift-click equipment equip/unequip them
    * Controller mapping
    * D-Pad / Left stick navigation now works in all menus and is
    more responsive.
    * START + SELECT now opens the main menu.
    * Right stick mouse emulation has been improved.
    * Gamepads plugged in while the game is running can be used.
    * All connected gamepads can be used (previously, only the
    first one).
    Graphics / Audio
    * Widescreen menus
    * Scroll subtitles at the same speed as narration reader
    * Apply sound volume to videos
    * Improved transparency (on by default)
    * Auto-equip sounds (off by default)
    * Show monster type (off by default)
    * Disable walking sounds (off by default)
    Stability / Performance / System
    * Document ini-file options
    * Reorganize ini-file
    * Allow for up to 99 save games of each type
    * Much lower memory usage (now in line with the original)
    * Configurable network port
    * Performance improvements
    * DIABDAT.MPQ may now be upper case
    * Support for portable installs
    * Support file paths longer than 259 characters
    * Add --ttf-dir and --ttf-name to allow for specifying a
    different UI font
    Bugfixes for original Diablo bugs
    * Base damage not being updated when leveling up
    * Player vision radius not updating properly before changing
    * Tiles not properly being marked as out of visibility when
    * Scavengers/Gravediggers taking damage when eating on higher
    * Flash only dealing 10% damage in some directions
    * Not getting XP for the first monster placed on a level
    * Not getting XP from monsters hit by golems
    * Monsters going inactive when fighting golems offscreen
    * Monsters with hiding ability fleeing in the wrong direction
    from golems
    * Fallen fleeing in the wrong direction
    * Monsters charge directions being biased for some angles
    * Monsters not being able to properly judge the location of
    * Some unique items morphing on a new game
    * Incorrectly seeing legit items as duplicates
    * Items being destroyed if held in cursor when entering dungeon
    * Being able to waste gold on red scrolls when not having room
    for them
    * Gaining mana from reading books despite wearing an item with
    * Gold piles will be filled to their max, before starting a
    new one
    * Inconsistent repair prices caused by rounding errors
    * Arkaine's Valor brought from previous games breaking the game
    * Several issues causing Arkaine's Valor to enter a broken state
    * Black Mushroom quest not resetting between games
    * Randomly being teleported from level 15 to Lazarus' chamber
    * Several bugs in Lazarus quest when re-entering the teleport
    * Town portals appearing on two levels when cast in a quest level
    * Inconsistent mouse behavior when opening/closing various panels
    Graphics / Audio
    * Gold icons graphics are always correct
    * Arrows graphics not aligning with the move direction
    * Wrong death sound when monster/golem kills another monster
    * Lights not always following unique monsters
    * Lights added on map update not working (Arkaine's Valor, etc.)
    * Player light radius not readjusting when a player is knocked
    * Loadscreen colors on entering the Poison Water quest
    * Lava pools sometimes having roof tiles in them
    * Doors sometimes missing in Halls of The Blind
    * Broken outline on some inventory items
    Stability / Performance / System
    * Fix more stability issues
    Bugfixes from Hellfire 1.00 - 1.01
    * Monster hitpoints overflowing in Nightmare/Hell difficulty
    * Gharbad the Weak not dropping his item when killed by a golem
    * Some stability issues
    Known issues
    * Save game difficaulity does not carry over from 1.1.0

------------------  2021-3-27  -  Mar 27 2021  -------------------

++++ wine-mono:

  - updated to 6.0.0 for wine 6.4

------------------  2021-3-25  -  Mar 25 2021  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - Update electron-ffmpeg to v12.0.2
  - Update com.discordapp.Discord.appdata.xml

------------------  2021-3-24  -  Mar 24 2021  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - Version update : 0.0.14

------------------  2021-3-20  -  Mar 20 2021  -------------------

++++ steam:

  - Leap 15.3 doesn't need firewall rule

------------------  2021-3-19  -  Mar 19 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 74.0.3911.232
  - DNA-91953 Use `default` cursor on non active elements
  - DNA-92040 Badges on extension icons are painted bad.
  - DNA-92062 Select winning variant of popup for everybody

------------------  2021-3-13  -  Mar 13 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 74.0.3911.218
  - CHR-8334 Update chromium on desktop-stable-88-3911 to
  - DNA-91236 ExtensionTabsTest.GetWindow crashes on Mac
  - DNA-91711 Tab discards snoozes start page
  - DNA-91902 [Mac] NetInstaller size increased
  - DNA-91930 Crash at

------------------  2021-3-5  -  Mar 5 2021  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 6.0.4
    * Based on WinRAR 6.0.1 beta 1

++++ steam:

  - Update to version
    * Register to handle steamlink:// URLs.
    * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2020-12-08

------------------  2021-3-4  -  Mar 4 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 74.0.3911.203
  - CHR-8324 Update chromium on desktop-stable-88-3911 to
  - DNA-90762 Replace “Don’t show again” with “Discard”
  - DNA-90974 Crash at
  - DNA-91289 [Search tabs] Wrong tab stays highlighted after
    removing another tab
  - DNA-91476 Invalid memory dereference PlayerServiceBrowsertest
  - DNA-91502 Change system name on opera://about page for MacOS
  - DNA-91740 Missing title in Extensions Toolbar Menu
  - The update to chromium 88.0.4324.182 fixes following issues:
    CVE-2021-21149, CVE-2021-21150, CVE-2021-21151, CVE-2021-21152,
    CVE-2021-21153, CVE-2021-21154, CVE-2021-21155, CVE-2021-21156,

------------------  2021-2-22  -  Feb 22 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 74.0.3911.160
  - DNA-90409 Cleanup Javascript dialogs: app modal & tab modal
  - DNA-90720 [Search Tabs] Allow discarding recently closed items
  - DNA-90802 [Windows] Debug fails on linking
  - DNA-91130 heap-use-after-free in
  - DNA-91152 Allow reading agent variables in trigger conditions
  - DNA-91225 [Search tabs] The webpage doesn’t move from
    “Open tabs” to “Recently closed” section
  - DNA-91243 Add Rich Hint support for the cashback badge and
  - DNA-91483 component_unittests are timing out
  - DNA-91516 Sidebar setup opens only with cashback enabled
  - DNA-91601 No text in 1st line of address bar dropdown
  - DNA-91603 Jumbo build problem on desktop-stable-88-3911

------------------  2021-2-9  -  Feb 9 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 74.0.3911.107
  - CHR-8311 Update chromium on desktop-stable-88-3911 to
  - DNA-90329 Implement client_capabilities negotiation for
    Flow / Sync
  - DNA-90560 [Search Tabs] Open Tabs On Top
  - DNA-90620 Add opauto tests for tab snoozing
  - DNA-90628 Update opauto tests after design changes
  - DNA-90818 Only 3 recently closed tabs are shown in a search
  - DNA-90911 Enable search-tabs-open-tabs-on-top on developer
  - DNA-90990 Crash at opera::AddressBarView::NotifyBoundsChanged()
  - DNA-90991 Opera doesn’t show version and ‘Relaunch’ button
    despite update is ready
  - DNA-91097 Crash at extensions::BrowserSidebarPrivateGetPremium
  - DNA-91163 [Win] “URL navigation filters” subpage doesn’t
    react on actions
  - DNA-91196 [Flow] Device capabilities is not properly saved in
    Local State
  - DNA-91276 Sidebar setup wont open
  - The update to chromium 88.0.4324.150 fixes following issues:
  - CVE-2021-21148
  - Complete Opera 74.0 changelog at:

------------------  2021-2-8  -  Feb 8 2021  -------------------

++++ steam:

  - Make x86 only

------------------  2021-1-27  -  Jan 27 2021  -------------------

++++ iozone:

  - Clean before starting to build (leftover *.o files may be present)

------------------  2021-1-20  -  Jan 20 2021  -------------------

++++ iozone:

  - Update to version 3_491:
    * Fix CFLAGS issue from Fedora maintainer.

------------------  2021-1-15  -  Jan 15 2021  -------------------

++++ bladeRF-fpga-firmware:

  - Update to version 0.12.0
    * Add packet mode. The HDL fabric is able to exchange variable
    length packets with the host
    * Added packet_generator as an example for how to send packets
    to the host
    * Added bladeRF 2.0 micro headless example variant "foxhunt"
    * Fix metadata related arithmetic and logic
  - Update to version 0.11.0
    * Increase FIFO buffer sizes for bladeRF 2.0
    * Fix underflow and overflow issues in metadata code
    * Refactor RFIC code for bladeRF 2.0
    * Allow quicktune to control XB gpio register for XB-200
  - Update to version 0.10.2
    This version improves the FPGA-based tuning support on the
    bladeRF2, adding quick tuning, a standby state (initialized but
    idle), and defining user space for API commands.
    * bladeRF2: fix RF path selection for quick retune
    * bladeRF2: FPGA tuning: add FASTLOCK command
    * bladeRF2: FPGA tuning: add standby (warm idle) state
    * bladeRF2: FPGA tuning: define user-defined command space
    * bladeRF2: add FPGA-based tuning
    * bladeRF2: improved headless functionality
    * bladeRF2: increased Nios II RAM size to 128kB
    * bladeRF2: add fastlock functions
  - Update to version 0.9.0
    * bladeRF: hosted: fix typo in toggle_led1
    * bladeRF: move AGC SPI driver into 80 MHz clock domain
    * bladeRF: timing improvements
    * build: Cygwin compatibility
    * bladeRF: adsb: adjust build and FIFO type to match
    bladeRF-micro impl
    * bladeRF-micro: adsb: implement support for ADS-B core on
    bladeRF micro
    * fx3_gpif: clean up metadata flags field in GPIF
    * fifo_writer: add metadata flags for miniexp{1,2} IO pin status
    * bladeRF-micro: add false path constraint for pwr_status
    * bladeRF-micro: weak pull-up on fx3_uart_rxd
  - Update to version 0.8.0
    * Fix nios_gpio assignment overlap for AGC_EN
    * Fix bug in AGC band selection
  - Package hostedxA4.rbf, hostedxA9.rbf, wlanxA9.rbf

++++ bladeRF-fx3-firmware:

  - Update to version 2.4.0
    * Variable length packet support for PACKET_META mode
  - Update to version 2.3.2
    * Speed up flash operations
  - Update to version 2.3.1
    * Fix USB device reset (e.g. during bladerf_open()) interrupting
    SPI flash autoloading of FPGA images
    * Add BLADE_USB_CMD_QUERY_FPGA_SOURCE command, which identifies
    the source of the currently-running FPGA image (SPI flash vs
    USB host).

------------------  2021-1-14  -  Jan 14 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 73.0.3856.344
  - CHR-8265 Update chromium on desktop-stable-87-3856 to
  - DNA-90625 [Mac] Crash at opera::TabView::
    GetPaintData(opera::TabState) const
  - DNA-90735 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarModel::GetItemVisible
    (opera::BrowserSidebarItem const*) const
  - DNA-90780 Crash at extensions::CommandService::GetExtension
    ActionCommand(std::__1::basic_string const&, extensions::
    ActionInfo::Type, extensions::CommandService::QueryType,
    extensions::Command*, bool*)
  - DNA-90821 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarController::
    Action(opera::BrowserSidebarItem const*,
  - The update to chromium 87.0.4280.141 fixes following issues:
    CVE-2021-21106, CVE-2021-21107, CVE-2021-21108, CVE-2021-21109,
    CVE-2021-21110, CVE-2021-21111, CVE-2021-21112, CVE-2021-21113,
    CVE-2020-16043, CVE-2021-21114, CVE-2020-15995, CVE-2021-21115,

------------------  2021-1-12  -  Jan 12 2021  -------------------

++++ Reaction:

  - Do not build on aarch64

------------------  2021-1-5  -  Jan 5 2021  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 73.0.3856.329
  - DNA-89156 Crash at content::RenderViewHostImpl::OnFocus()
  - DNA-89731 [Mac] Bookmarks bar overlaps Babe section when
    hovering the OMenu
  - DNA-90189 Music service portal logotypes are blurred on Win
  - DNA-90336 add session data schema
  - DNA-90399 Address bar dropdown suggestions overlap each other
  - DNA-90520 Crash at absl::raw_logging_internal::RawLog(absl::
    LogSeverity, char const*, int, char const*, …)
  - DNA-90538 Crash at extensions::CommandService::
    GetExtensionActionCommand(std::__1::basic_string const&,
    extensions::ActionInfo::Type, extensions::CommandService::
    QueryType, extensions::Command*, bool*)
  - DNA-90600 Don’t report workspace visibility, when
    functionality is disabled.
  - DNA-90665 Collect music service statistics WP2
  - DNA-90773 Bad translation from english to spanish in UI
  - DNA-90789 Crash at opera::ThumbnailHelper::RunNextRequest()

------------------  2020-12-29  -  Dec 29 2020  -------------------

++++ wine-mono:

  - MSI files are not needed if we have the unpacked tree, reduce size

------------------  2020-12-23  -  Dec 23 2020  -------------------

++++ wine-mono:

  - Ship also the unpacked Mono MSI, to avoid the need to install
    it on fresh installs.

------------------  2020-12-17  -  Dec 17 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 73.0.3856.284
  - CHR-8225 Update chromium on desktop-stable-87-3856 to
  - DNA-88454 Background of snap area above visible scrolled
    viewport is not captured
  - DNA-89749 Implement client_capabilities support for Flow / Sync
  - DNA-89810 Opera no longer autoselects full url/address bar
    when clicked
  - DNA-89923 [Snap] Emojis look grayed out
  - DNA-90060 Make gesture events work with search-in-tabs feature
  - DNA-90168 Display SD suggestions titles
  - DNA-90176 Player doesn’t show music service to choose on
    Welcome page
  - DNA-90343 [Mac] Cmd+C doesn’t copy snapshot
  - DNA-90538 Crash at extensions::CommandService::
    GetExtensionActionCommand(std::__1::basic_string const&,
    extensions::ActionInfo::Type, extensions::CommandService::
    QueryType, extensions::Command*, bool*)
  - The update to chromium 87.0.4280.88 fixes following issues:
    CVE-2020-16037, CVE-2020-16038, CVE-2020-16039, CVE-2020-16040,
    CVE-2020-16041, CVE-2020-16042

------------------  2020-12-10  -  Dec 10 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 73.0.3856.257
  - DNA-89918 #enable-force-dark flag doesn’t work anymore
  - DNA-90061 Clicking on video’s progress bar breaks autopausing
  - DNA-90079 [BigSur] Blank pages
  - DNA-90154 Crash at extensions::CommandService::
    GetExtensionActionCommand(std::__1::basic_string const&,
    extensions::ActionInfo::Type, extensions::CommandService::
    QueryType, extensions::Command*, bool*)
  - Complete Opera 73.0 changelog at:

------------------  2020-12-7  -  Dec 7 2020  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 6.0.3
    * Based on WinRAR 6.00

------------------  2020-12-5  -  Dec 5 2020  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - Update to version 0.0.13

++++ steam:

  - Update to version
    * Minor changes
  - Deal with gpu-offload.patch better

------------------  2020-11-26  -  Nov 26 2020  -------------------

++++ THE:

  - Update to version 3.3~RC7:
    * No upstream changelog available

------------------  2020-11-25  -  Nov 25 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 72.0.3815.400
  - DNA-88996 [Mac] Vertical spacing of sidebar items incorrect
  - DNA-89698 [Mac] text on bookmark bar not visible when
    application is not focused
  - DNA-89746 Add product-name switch to Opera launcher and
  - DNA-89779 Implement multi-window behavior for pinned Player
  - DNA-89924 Music continue to play after the disabling Player
    from Sidebar
  - DNA-89994 Fix progress bar shape and color
  - DNA-89995 Fix font sizes, weights and colors of text in
    control panel
  - DNA-90010 Payment Methods in Settings mention Google account
  - DNA-90022 [Mac][BigSur] Crash at -[BrowserWindowController
  - DNA-90025 Player stays in the autopause after reloading
    panel – part 2
  - DNA-90096 Sidebar click stat not collected for Player
  - DNA-90143 Adding a stat for Player sidebar clicks to the
    Avro schema

------------------  2020-11-22  -  Nov 22 2020  -------------------

++++ steam:

  - Update to version
    * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2020-11-20
  - Add udev rules for DualSense (Playstation 5) controller
    * Build using updated Steam client:
  - Client timestamp 1603992987 (2020-10-29)
  - Steam Runtime version 0.20201005.0

------------------  2020-11-21  -  Nov 21 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 72.0.3815.378
  - CHR-8192 Update chromium on desktop-stable-86-3815 to
  - DNA-86550 XHRUint8Array test time out
  - DNA-88631 Unintended volume drop
  - DNA-88708 [Snap] Inproper area snapped
  - DNA-88726 [Mac] Overlay ‘pause’ icon when Opera auto-pauses
    the Player
  - DNA-88903 Detach video button should not be visible
  - DNA-88938 Make home page reflect service configuration
  - DNA-88943 Learn more link on home page doesnt work
  - DNA-88944 Apple Music service slow to open
  - DNA-88948 Fetch audio focus request id from MediaSession
  - DNA-88949 Detach video button missing
  - DNA-88966 No accessiblity titles for services icons in home page
  - DNA-88967 Investigate creating a single BrowserSidebarModel
  - DNA-88995 Overlay “pause” is displayed when it shouldn’t
  - DNA-89017 Error when signing out of YouTube Music
  - DNA-89054 Audio is not resumed when muting audio in tab
  - DNA-89094 DCHECK when pressing Reload button
  - DNA-89095 Manage service data through PlayerService
  - DNA-89100 [Player] Crash – many scenarios
  - DNA-89187 Reload button doesn’t work properly
  - DNA-89189 Update icons and buttons
  - DNA-89217 Enable #player-service on developer stream
  - DNA-89220 SidebarCarouselTests.* failing
  - DNA-89230 Crash at v8::Context::Enter()
  - DNA-89244 Define default widths per service
  - DNA-89245 Improve Spotify logo layout in home page buttons
  - DNA-89248 Crash at opera::WebPageBrowserSidebarItemContentViewViews
  - DNA-89278 [Sidebar] No notification for downloads and workspaces
  - DNA-89285 [Engine] Unable to launch skype with Opera
  - DNA-89292 Do not block page loads waiting for sitecheck data
  - DNA-89316 Should be able to navigate directly to playerServices
    section in settings
  - DNA-89339 Make popup appear with tooltip-like behavior
  - DNA-89340 Implement control panel looks in light and dark mode
  - DNA-89341 Make the control panel buttons work
  - DNA-89342 Add support for the DNA to the rollout system
  - DNA-89344 Show Music Service icon in the control panel
  - DNA-89360 Make ‘Settings’ menu entry go to settings
  - DNA-89366 Make opera://feedback/babe attachable by the webdriver
  - DNA-89419 Crash at base::Value::GetAsDictionary
    (base::DictionaryValue const**) const
  - DNA-89469 Autopause does not work
  - DNA-89477 Do not wait with starting the player if the
    interrupting session is short
  - DNA-89480 Crash when hovering player panel
  - DNA-89484 Crash at base::internal::CheckedObserverAdapter
  - DNA-89489 Put control panel behind feature flag
  - DNA-89514 Implement feedback button for Player
  - DNA-89516 Do not auto-pause the Player when there is no sound
  - DNA-89553 Make the control panel show current song
  - DNA-89557 No accessibility title for rating and close buttons
    inside feedback dialog
  - DNA-89561 Make the control panel show artwork that represents
    current track
  - DNA-89575 Handle longer track and artist names
  - DNA-89577 Make progress bar work correctly
  - DNA-89630 Controler pop-up is too high (and service logo too)
  - DNA-89634 Panel width is reset when it shouldn’t
  - DNA-89654 Request higher resolution images for HiDPI
  - DNA-89655 Enable #player-service-control-panel on Developer stream
  - DNA-89671 No accessiblity titles for control panel elements
  - DNA-89672 String change “A world of music…”
  - DNA-89679 Player — don’t show control panel when Player in sidebar
    is opened
  - DNA-89722 Album cover arts are not visible
  - DNA-89766 Address bar does not respond to actions
  - DNA-89776 Control panel does not disappear after hovering elsewhere
  - DNA-89778 Implement multi-window behavior when no Player is pinned
  - DNA-89795 Player is enable after Opera restart
    (when in Settings was turned off)
  - DNA-89803 Artwork is cropped to the right
  - DNA-89812 Sidebar panel should hide when toggle between windows
  - DNA-89820 Incorrect music services for Philippines
  - DNA-89846 Do not show the control panel if there is nothing to
  - DNA-89878 Clarify notification dot for messengers
  - DNA-89901 [Mac][Player] Zombie crash at exit
  - DNA-89952 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarPlayerItemContentViewViews
  - DNA-89964 Player stays in the autopause after reloading panel
  - DNA-89971 Multi window behaviour is not respected anymore
  - DNA-89976 Disallow docking for Player
  - DNA-89986 Enable #player-service and
    [#]player-service-control-panel on all streams
  - DNA-90006 Change services order in RU/UA/BY
  - The update to chromium 86.0.4240.198 fixes following issues:
    CVE-2020-16013, CVE-2020-16017

------------------  2020-11-12  -  Nov 12 2020  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 6.0.2
    * Based on WinRAR 6.00 beta 2

------------------  2020-11-10  -  Nov 10 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 72.0.3815.320
  - CHR-8177 Update chromium on desktop-stable-86-3815 to
  - DNA-89748 ‘Manage Extensions’ dialog is displayed with
    preloaded extensions
  - DNA-89766 Address bar does not respond to actions
  - The update to chromium 86.0.4240.183 fixes following issues:
    CVE-2020-16004, CVE-2020-16005, CVE-2020-16006, CVE-2020-16007,
    CVE-2020-16008, CVE-2020-16009, CVE-2020-16011

------------------  2020-11-6  -  Nov 6 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 72.0.3815.200
  - DNA-87150 Speed Dial tile can’t be dragged to proper place
  - DNA-89632 Improve hovering over icons
  - DNA-89647 [Light mode] Wrong URL color in ‘Add Site’ section
  - DNA-89791 Typo in Spanish
  - The update to chromium 86.0.4240.111 fixes following issues:
    CVE-2020-16000, CVE-2020-16001, CVE-2020-16002, CVE-2020-15999,
  - Complete Opera 72.0 changelog at:

------------------  2020-10-22  -  Oct 22 2020  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 6.0.1
    * Based on WinRAR 6.00 beta 1

------------------  2020-10-14  -  Oct 14 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 71.0.3770.271
  - DNA-88353 Crash at opera::TabCyclerView::HighlightContents
    (content::WebContents*, bool)
  - DNA-89177 Device update request should only be called when
    FCM token has changed
  - DNA-89186 Handle device expired case in all server calls
  - DNA-89202 Pages are rendered in dark mode when force
    dark mode prefs were synced from Opera GX
  - DNA-89247 [Mac] Fullscreen video broken if sidebar is hidden
  - DNA-89298 Some elements of VPN popup are misaligned to design
  - DNA-89305 Crash after closing Downloads pop-up

------------------  2020-10-11  -  Oct 11 2020  -------------------

++++ devilutionx:

  - Update to version 1.1.0
    * Proper widescreen (and other aspects) support.
    * Select difficulty in single player (remembered in the save
    * Adjustable game speed in-game.
    * V-sync can now be disabled in the ini.
    * Better line drawing function used for the automap.
    * Support for loading custom Hell level maps.
    * Make all objects and monsters available to custom maps.
    * Added support for joining a game via hostname instead of IP
    * You can now enter and exit fullscreen also when the game is
    Original Diablo bugs
    * Fix some monsters AC and to-hit values on Nightmare/Hell
    ending up as 0.
    * Fix player base block resetting to 0 after loading a save game.
    * Correctly render trees in front of the player.
    * Fully render sprites that are larger than the floor tiles.
    * Fix objects disappearing when walking on the opposite wall.
    * Dupping via belt has been fixed.
    * Correctly detect if the mouse is clicking the world or UI in
    some areas.
    * Minor typography corrections.
    * Corrected name of Chamber of Bones in automap.
    * Correctly align the inventory slots.
  - Update to version 1.0.3
    * Fix keyboard input in the menu

------------------  2020-10-10  -  Oct 10 2020  -------------------

++++ devilutionx:

  - Update to version 1.0.2
    * Support for integer scaling.
    * Controller: Map Start + L1/R1 to char/inventory.
    * Added --save-dir to allow for specifying the save game folder.
    * Correctly scale the game on systems with a non-standard DPI
    * Some cave levels were generated with an incorrect layout.
    * Firebolt mana cost is now correct.
    * Allow players to join Nightmare/Hell games without first
    creating a game.
    * Correctly load the full white color.
    * Correct navigation in the difficulty select screen.
    * The window can now be resized after exiting fullscreen mode.
    * Fix memory leak in audio code.
    * Fix hanging for 20 sec on the error screen.

++++ wine-mono:

  - updated to 5.1.1 for wine 5.19

------------------  2020-10-7  -  Oct 7 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 71.0.3770.228
  - DNA-87466 Hide extensions icon is black in dark theme
  - DNA-88580 Implement search_in_tabs telemetry benchmark
  - DNA-88591 Allow to scroll down the Keyboards Shortcuts section
    with URL
  - DNA-88693 Random crash in SmartFilesBrowserTest
  - DNA-88793 change VPN disclaimer modal layout
  - DNA-88799 Only active workspaces and active messengers should
    be listed in keyboard shortcuts settings
  - DNA-88838 add automatic VPN connection preference setting
  - DNA-88870 Align VPN popup to new design
  - DNA-88900 Turn off Tutorials in Opera GX – implementation
  - DNA-88931 Add info about channel and product (OPR, OPRGX) to
    rollout requests
  - DNA-88940 Allow continue-shopping|booking-host-override switch
    to handle host and path
  - DNA-88946 Auto-connect VPN after browser startup only for
    existing VPN users
  - DNA-89009 Change URL for search-suggestions
  - DNA-89021 Make RH test driver pack to a separate archive
  - DNA-89150 Unhardcode ‘From’ and ‘To’ strings in Advanced
    History Search
  - DNA-89175 Desktop without a flow paring should not initialize
    in browser startup

------------------  2020-9-30  -  Sep 30 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 71.0.3770.198
  - CHR-8106 Update chromium on desktop-stable-85-3770 to
  - DNA-85648 Reconnecting Flow with iOS is unstable
  - DNA-87130 Spinner is stretched instead of clipped
  - DNA-87989 In Find in Page, “No matches” doesn’t go away after
    deleting all text
  - DNA-88098 Data URLs entries should not open new tab after
    click on new history page
  - DNA-88267 Extra semicolon in Russian BABE translation
  - DNA-88312 [Win] Downloads file drag and drop doesn’t work in
  - DNA-88363 Add premium extension functionality
  - DNA-88580 Implement search_in_tabs telemetry benchmark
  - DNA-88611 Black font on a dark background in sync login dialog
  - DNA-88626 Disable #easy-files on desktop-stable-85-xxxx
  - DNA-88701 String “Type a shortcut” is hardcoded
  - DNA-88755 Crash at extensions::WebstoreOneClickInstallerUIImpl::
  - DNA-88797 Change ‘Register’ to ‘Tab’ in German
  - DNA-88851 [History][Resized window] Button and date input
    look bad
  - DNA-88958 Crash at net::`anonymous namespace”::Escape
  - The update to chromium 85.0.4183.121 fixes following issues:
  - CVE-2020-15960, CVE-2020-15961, CVE-2020-15962, CVE-2020-15963,
    CVE-2020-15965, CVE-2020-15966, CVE-2020-15964

------------------  2020-9-25  -  Sep 25 2020  -------------------

++++ steam:

  - Add udev rules to fix devices detected as joysticks incorrectly
  - Only install firewalld rule when required

------------------  2020-9-16  -  Sep 16 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 71.0.3770.148
  - CHR-8091 Update chromium on desktop-stable-85-3770 to
  - DNA-87785 [Mac] “Alitools” text in extension toolbar overlaps
    Install button
  - DNA-87935 Make SSD smaller by 25%
  - DNA-87963 Hidden Avira extension in avira_2 edition
  - DNA-88015 [MyFlow] Desktop doesn’t show itself in devices list
  - DNA-88469 Add context menu options to configure shortcuts
  - DNA-88496 Define a/b test in ab_tests.json
  - DNA-88537 Don’t filter out hashes from feature reference groups
    coming from rollout
  - DNA-88580 Implement search_in_tabs telemetry benchmark
  - DNA-88604 [History panel] Search bar covers the
    “Clear browsing data” button
  - DNA-88619 String ‘Download complete’ is cut on download popup
  - DNA-88645 Remove option should not be available for last
  - DNA-88718 [History panel] fix delete button overflow issue
  - The update to chromium 85.0.4183.102 fixes following issues:
  - CVE-2020-6573, CVE-2020-6574, CVE-2020-6575, CVE-2020-6576,
  - Complete Opera 71.0 changelog at:

------------------  2020-9-10  -  Sep 10 2020  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - Update to version 0.0.12
  - fixed wrong files installed

------------------  2020-9-2  -  Sep 2 2020  -------------------

++++ iozone:

  - update to 3.490:
    Fix gcc-10 warning about no-common.
    Fix compiler warning when HAVE_ANSIC is not defined

++++ steam:

  - Add new Mesa packages to Requires for Tumbleweed
  - Keep old Requires for Leap maintenance
  - Add gpu-offload.patch: default to discrete gpu - from pop-os!
  - Use both Steam OpenSSL versions

------------------  2020-9-1  -  Sep 1 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 70.0.3728.144
  - CHR-8057 Update chromium on desktop-stable-84-3728 to
  - DNA-88027 [Mac] Downloads icon disappears when downloads popup
    is shown
  - DNA-88204 Crash at opera::DownloadItemView::OnMousePressed
    (ui::MouseEvent const&)
  - The update to chromium 84.0.4147.135 fixes following issues:
  - CVE-2020-6556

------------------  2020-8-25  -  Aug 25 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 70.0.3728.133
  - CHR-8053 Update chromium on desktop-stable-84-3728 to
  - DNA-87289 Crash at views::NativeWidgetMacNSWindowHost::
    OnNativeViewHostDetach(views::View const*)
  - DNA-87831 [Linux] Sidebar panel cannot be pinned
  - DNA-88057 [Win] Black rectangle flickers at the bottom of the
    page on startup
  - DNA-88157 Sidebar Messenger too low in FullScreen mode
  - DNA-88238 [macOS 10.15] Toolbar buttons not visible on inactive
  - The update to chromium 84.0.4147.125 fixes following issues:
  - CVE-2020-6542, CVE-2020-6543, CVE-2020-6544, CVE-2020-6545,
    CVE-2020-6546, CVE-2020-6547, CVE-2020-6548, CVE-2020-6549,
    CVE-2020-6550, CVE-2020-6551, CVE-2020-6552, CVE-2020-6553,
    CVE-2020-6554, CVE-2020-6555

------------------  2020-8-18  -  Aug 18 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 70.0.3728.119
  - DNA-88215 Introduce easy-setup-hint-ref feature flag
  - Update to version 70.0.3728.106
  - DNA-88014 [Mac] Toolbar in fullscreen disabled after using
    fullscreen from videoplayer

------------------  2020-8-15  -  Aug 15 2020  -------------------

++++ steam:

  - Update AppStream files
  - Add patches from RPMFusion:
    * steam-makefile.patch: remove pointless symlinks
    and apt-source install
    * steam-no-icon-on-desktop.patch: remove attempt
    to copy .desktop to user desktop

------------------  2020-8-6  -  Aug 6 2020  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - Update to version 0.0.11

++++ steam:

  - Simplification of OpenSSL requires
  - vulkan doesn't exist since Leap 15.2
  - libvulkan1-32bit doesn't exist on non-64bit systems
  - vulkan libraries should be required

------------------  2020-8-5  -  Aug 5 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 70.0.3728.95
  - CHR-8026 Update chromium on desktop-stable-84-3728 to
  - DNA-86340 Wrong link to the help page
  - DNA-87394 [Big Sur] Some popovers have incorrectly themed arrow
  - DNA-87647 [Win] The [+] button flickers after creating a new tab
  - DNA-87794 Crash at aura::Window::SetVisible(bool)
  - DNA-87796 Search in tabs should closed on second click
  - DNA-87863 Parameter placing issue in all languages
  - The update to chromium 84.0.4147.105 fixes following issues:
  - CVE-2020-6537, CVE-2020-6538, CVE-2020-6532, CVE-2020-6539,
    CVE-2020-6540, CVE-2020-6541

------------------  2020-8-1  -  Aug 1 2020  -------------------

++++ wine-mono:

  - fixed the name, it should be wine-mono-VERSION-ARCH.msi now. (bsc#1087860)

------------------  2020-7-30  -  Jul 30 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 70.0.3728.71
  - DNA-86267 Make `Recently closed tabs` appearance consistent
    with `Search for open tabs`.
  - DNA-86988 Opera 70 translations
  - DNA-87530 Zen news leads not loading
  - DNA-87636 Fix displaying folder icon for closed windows in
    recently closed list
  - DNA-87682 Replace Extensions icon in toolbar with icon from
  - DNA-87756 Extend chrome.sessions.getRecentlyClosed with
    information about last active tab in window.
  - DNA-87778 Crash at opera::InstantSearchViewViews::
  - DNA-87815 Change affiliate links for AliExpress Search
  - Update to version 70.0.3728.59
  - CHR-8010 Update chromium on desktop-stable-84-3728 to
  - DNA-87019 The video image does not respond to the pressing
    after closed the “Quit Opera?” dialog
  - DNA-87342 Fix right padding in settings > weather section
  - DNA-87427 Remove unneded information from the requests’
  - DNA-87560 Crash at views::Widget::GetNativeView()
  - DNA-87561 Crash at CRYPTO_BUFFER_len
  - DNA-87599 Bypass VPN for default search engines doesn’t work
  - DNA-87611 Unittests fails on declarativeNetRequest and
    declarativeNetRequestFeedback permissions
  - DNA-87612 [Mac] Misaligned icon in addressbar
  - DNA-87619 [Win/Lin] Misaligned icon in addressbar
  - DNA-87716 [macOS/Windows] Crash when Search in tabs is open
    and Opera is minimised
  - DNA-87749 Crash at opera::InstantSearchSuggestionLineView::
  - The update to chromium 84.0.4147.89 fixes following issues:
  - CVE-2020-6510, CVE-2020-6511, CVE-2020-6512, CVE-2020-6513,
    CVE-2020-6514, CVE-2020-6515, CVE-2020-6516, CVE-2020-6517,
    CVE-2020-6518, CVE-2020-6519, CVE-2020-6520, CVE-2020-6521,
    CVE-2020-6522, CVE-2020-6523, CVE-2020-6524, CVE-2020-6525,
    CVE-2020-6526, CVE-2020-6527, CVE-2020-6528, CVE-2020-6529,
    CVE-2020-6530, CVE-2020-6531, CVE-2020-6533, CVE-2020-6534,
    CVE-2020-6535, CVE-2020-6536
  - Complete Opera 70.0 changelog at:

++++ steam:

  - Update to version
    * Bootstrap using updated Steam client:
  - Client timestamp 1595977781 (2020-07-28)
  - Steam Runtime version 0.20200604.0
    * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2020-07-28
  - Replace escaped double quotes in udev rules with single quotes, for
    compatibility with udev < 235 and eudev.
  - Add Recommends: bubblewrap, required by the experimental container
    runtime system
  - Switch to FirewallD

------------------  2020-7-16  -  Jul 16 2020  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Use https for urls

------------------  2020-7-15  -  Jul 15 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 69.0.3686.77
  - DNA-84207 New Yubikey enrollment is not working
  - DNA-87185 Lost translation
  - DNA-87382 Integrate scrolling to top of the feed with the
    existing scroll position restoration
  - DNA-87535 Sort out news on startpage state
  - DNA-87588 Merge “Prevent pointer from being sent in the clear
    over SCTP” to desktop-stable-83-3686

------------------  2020-7-8  -  Jul 8 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 69.0.3686.57
  - DNA-86682 Title case in Russian translation
  - DNA-86807 Title case in O69 BR Portuguese translation
  - DNA-87104 Right click context menu becomes scrollable sometimes
  - DNA-87376 Search in tabs opens significantly slower in O69
  - DNA-87505 [Welcome Pages][Stats] Session stats for
    Welcome and Upgrade pages
  - DNA-87535 Sort out news on startpage state

------------------  2020-7-7  -  Jul 7 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 69.0.3686.49
  - CHR-7971 Update chromium on desktop-stable-83-3686 to
    83.0.4103.116 (CVE-2020-6509)
  - DNA-79195 Wrong date on history
  - DNA-86090 Crash at views::View::ReorderChildView(views::View*, int)
  - DNA-86122 [Mac] Some popovers have incorrectly themed arrow
  - DNA-86833 Add hint to tell users that tab content is now searched
  - DNA-86906 [Search in tabs] No matching results in your open
    tabs label not displayed for some strings not found.
  - DNA-86983 Allow to search from the tile
  - DNA-87029 Search in tabs dropdown should disappear when
    resizing window
  - DNA-87051 No autocompletion in the address bar for Speed Dials
  - DNA-87091 Do not vertically center search-in-tabs dialog
  - DNA-87113 Crash at content::NavigationRequest::GetRenderFrameHost()
  - DNA-87114 Double scrollbar in bookmarks popup
  - DNA-87117 Hide “Provide additional details” button when crash
    is discarded by Socorro
  - DNA-87122 Hide provide more information button from infobar
    when crash is discarded
  - DNA-87153 The icons cover the inscription on the BABE
    picture title
  - DNA-87203 The scroll view changes visible area unexpectedly
  - DNA-87243 Provide missing translations
  - DNA-87245 Extend schema and report search events
  - DNA-87261 Allow to use search and modal at the same time
  - DNA-87273 Switch to dedicated subdomain
  - Complete Opera 69.0 changelog at:

------------------  2020-6-29  -  Jun 29 2020  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 5.9.4
    * Based on WinRAR version 5.91 final

------------------  2020-6-20  -  Jun 20 2020  -------------------

++++ wine-mono:

  - Updated to 5.1.0

------------------  2020-6-19  -  Jun 19 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 68.0.3618.173
  - DNA-85512 SNAP CTRL+C not working as expected on some pages
  - DNA-85580 Crash at ThumbnailTabHelper::StartVideoCapture()
  - DNA-86357 Crash at remote_cocoa::NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::
  - DNA-87146 Support new design for overlays

------------------  2020-6-17  -  Jun 17 2020  -------------------

++++ steam:

  - Update to version
    * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2020-06-05
  - Add HORIPAD for Nintendo Switch (thanks, @BrokenGale)
    (Fixes: steam-for-linux#6944, steam-devices#7)
  - Add ASTRO C40 controller (thanks, @exhumer2)
    (Fixes: steam-devices#5)
  - Add PowerA Nintendo Switch Controller (thanks, @blazingkin)
    (Fixes: steam-devices#6)
  - Add a workaround for PowerA Wireless Controller
    (thanks, Andrey Smirnov) (Fixes: steam-devices#9; T21767)
    * debian/steam-launcher.postinst: Notify udevd to reload its rules.
    This means the steam-devices rules should take effect immediately,
    instead of being deferred until after the next reboot. (T19535)
    * bin_steam.sh: Don't overwrite steam.desktop if it's a symlink.
    In a pre-configured distro like SteamOS, ~/Desktop/steam.desktop
    might already be a symlink to /usr/share/applications/steam.desktop,
    in which case overwriting it is pointless. (T21633)
  - steam-devices supplements steam
  - Update to version
    * steam.list: Download updates via https (T21740)
    In older versions of apt (lower than 1.6) we need to install
    apt-transport-https to use https repositories, so do that.
    * steam.list: Switch the suite from precise to stable
    (Fixes: steam-for-linux#4436)
    * steam.list: Add commented-out apt sources for the beta launcher

------------------  2020-6-13  -  Jun 13 2020  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - Add metadata for https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:AppStore
  - Fix file permissions
  - Adhere to https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Package_group_guidelines

------------------  2020-6-11  -  Jun 11 2020  -------------------

++++ iozone:

  - Fix building with gcc10 by using -fcommon cflag

++++ netperf:

  - Fix building with gcc10
  - Sync patches from gentoo, add:
    * netperf-2.7.0-inline.patch
    * netperf-2.7.0-space.patch
  - Do not use url for sources as upstream is not reachable

++++ opera:

  - Update to versiopn 68.0.3618.165
  - DNA-85650 Crash at TabStripModel::GetIndexOfWebContents
    (content::WebContents const*)
  - DNA-85911 No information of downloaded file, which isn’t
    existed on PC
  - DNA-86273 Disabled AdBlock blocks resources inside IFrame
  - DNA-86281 [Mac] Wrong zoom button color
  - DNA-86574 Invalid thread used for opera::content_filter::
  - DNA-86654 Dropdown icon do nothing if clicking on it
  - DNA-86705 [WIN] Media permissions dialog not shown for
    sidebar messengers

------------------  2020-6-8  -  Jun 8 2020  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - ffmpeg macro no longer used in packman. Switch to x264.

------------------  2020-6-6  -  Jun 6 2020  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 5.9.3
    * Based on WinRAR version 5.91 beta 1
  - Refresh and rename unrarsrc-5.0.5-soname.patch to soname.patch

------------------  2020-6-5  -  Jun 5 2020  -------------------

++++ steam:

  - Added recommend lsb-release to provide OS info and to support
    hw survey boo#1157832

------------------  2020-5-23  -  May 23 2020  -------------------

++++ steam:

  - Update patches for new package structure
  - Merge steam-controller and steam-vr into steam-devices like other distros.
  - Update to version
    * Adapt for newer Steam Runtime builds

------------------  2020-5-14  -  May 14 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 68.0.3618.104
  - CHR-7909 Update chromium on desktop-stable-81-3618 to 81.0.4044.138
  - CVE-2020-6831, CVE-2020-6464
  - DNA-85609 [Mac] Tabs shrinking & disappearing
  - DNA-85629 Crash at opera::DownloadButtonPanel::ShouldShowCancelButton()
  - DNA-85669 Add mocking of AddressDropdownModel in AddressBarControllerTest
  - DNA-85678 Wrong badge icon on pages with mixed content on desktop-stable-81-3618
  - DNA-85820 Flags are blue in default [D] state after restart
  - DNA-85822 Full screen snap on pkobp.pl
  - DNA-86077 Problem to upload .JPG file as an wallpaper
  - DNA-86165 Downloads list doesn’t returns to its original state after clearing search filter
  - DNA-86236 [Mac] Plus button click area too small
  - DNA-86241 X tab button is not visible
  - DNA-86217 Fix performance issue with Background Worker

------------------  2020-5-7  -  May 7 2020  -------------------

++++ devilutionx:

  - Clarify licenses for used 3rdParty libraries

------------------  2020-5-2  -  May 2 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 68.0.3618.63
  - CHR-7889 Update chromium on desktop-stable-81-3618 to
  - CHR-7896 Update chromium on desktop-stable-81-3618 to
  - DNA-85287 Set standard spacing for Yandex prompt
  - DNA-85416 [Mac] Animation of tab insert is glitchy on slow
  - DNA-85568 Verify API for triggering “unread” mode with
  - DNA-86027 Present Now not working in google meet after
    canceling it once
  - DNA-86028 Add a back and forward button in the Instagram panel
  - DNA-86029 Investigate and implement re-freshing of the
    instagram panel content
  - Update chromium to 81.0.4044.122 fixes CVE-2020-6458,
    CVE-2020-6459, CVE-2020-6460
  - Update chromium to 81.0.4044.129 fixes CVE-2020-6461,

------------------  2020-4-29  -  Apr 29 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 68.0.3618.56
  - DNA-85256 [Win] Cookies section on site pages is white in
    dark mode
  - DNA-85474 [Mac] Dragging tabs to the left with hidden sidebar
    is broken
  - DNA-85771 DNS-over-HTTPS example in settings is wrong
  - DNA-85976 Change page display time when navigating from
  - CHR-7878 Update chromium on desktop-stable-81-3618 to
    81.0.4044.113 (CVE-2020-6457)
  - DNA-78158 PATCH-1272 should be removed
  - DNA-84721 Weather widget is overlapped when ‘Use bigger tiles’
  - DNA-85246 Implement 0-state dialog and onboarding
  - DNA-85354 O-menu is misplaced when opened with maximized opera
  - DNA-85405 Add link to Privacy Policy on the 0-state dialog
  - DNA-85409 Ask for geolocation EULA once
  - DNA-85426 Crash at opera::DownloadActionButton::Update()
  - DNA-85454 Add id’s to elements for testing
  - DNA-85493 Add “Show Weather” toggle to “Start Page” section
    in Easy Setup
  - DNA-85501 Set timestamps in geolocation exception record
  - DNA-85514 Add fallback when geolocation fails
  - DNA-85713 Report consent for geolocation on start page
  - DNA-85753 Fetch news configuration from new endpoint
  - DNA-85798 Incorrect padding in Search in Tabs window
  - DNA-85801 Disable notification on instagram panel
  - DNA-85809 Update instagram icon in the Sidebar Setup
  - DNA-85854 Change Instagram panel size, to fit desktop
  - Complete Opera 68.0 changelog at:

------------------  2020-4-25  -  Apr 25 2020  -------------------

++++ wine-mono:

  - updated to 5.0.0

------------------  2020-4-9  -  Apr 9 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 67.0.3575.137
  - CHR-7852 Update chromium on desktop-stable-80-3575
    to 80.0.3987.163
  - DNA-82540 Crash at remote_cocoa::NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge::
  - DNA-84951 New PiP is completely black for some 2 GPU setups
  - DNA-85284 Chrome “Open link in same tab, pop-up as tab [Free]”
    extension is no longer working in Opera
  - DNA-85415 [Mac] Inspect Popup not working
  - DNA-85530 Create API for displaying and triggering “unread”
    mode for messengers from in-app
  - DNA-85537 Let addons.opera.com interact with sidebar messengers

------------------  2020-3-31  -  Mar 31 2020  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 5.9.2
    * Based on WinRAR version 5.90 final

------------------  2020-3-28  -  Mar 28 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 67.0.3575.115
  - CHR-7833 Update chromium on desktop-stable-80-3575
    to 80.0.3987.149
  - DNA-74423 [Mac] Search/Copy popup stuck on top left of screen
  - DNA-82975 Crash at blink::DocumentLifecycle::EnsureStateAtMost
  - DNA-83834 Crash at base::MessagePumpNSApplication:: DoRun
  - DNA-84632 macOS 10.15.2 fail on creating testlist.json
  - DNA-84713 Switching through tabs broken when using workspaces

------------------  2020-3-26  -  Mar 26 2020  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - Install symbolic icon for GNOME

------------------  2020-3-19  -  Mar 19 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 67.0.3575.97
  - DNA-84063 Open URL in new tab with ‘Go to web address’ in
    search/copy popup and right mouse click context menu
  - DNA-84780 Search in Search and Copy popup opens tab in wrong
    position from popup window
  - DNA-84786 Crash at Browser::PasteAndGo(std::__1::basic_string
    const&, WindowOpenDisposition)
  - DNA-84815 Crash at TabStripModel::GetIndexOfWebContents
    (content::WebContents const*)
  - DNA-84937 [Mac] Workspace switching is slow with a lot of
    tabs opened
  - DNA-85159 Sidebar-setup not refreshed correctly after
    signing out from sync

------------------  2020-3-13  -  Mar 13 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 67.0.3575.79
  - CHR-7804 Update chromium on desktop-stable-80-3575 to
  - DNA-83766 Opera Ad Blocker extension state is not updated when
    changing it
  - DNA-83966 Enable kFeatureSuggestionScoringImproved on all the
  - DNA-84159 Settings – list of workspaces in the settings isn’t
    updated after reordering
  - DNA-84396 Inline autocomplete not working when SD becomes
    the top-scored suggestion
  - DNA-84711 Wrong autocomplete address for https sites
  - DNA-84741 No amazon partner extension displayed
  - DNA-84743 Crash at ExtensionsToolbarContainer::UndoPopOut()
  - DNA-84776 Bookmarks not fully displayed in Bookmarks Panel
  - DNA-84817 Crash at Browser::IsSearchAndCopyPopupEnabled()
  - DNA-84836 Broken video playback in some cases
  - DNA-84837 Audio decoder broken although available on Windows 7
  - DNA-84860 [Mac] Address field not highlighted on hover
  - DNA-84889 [desktop-stable-80-3575] There’re no basic settings
  - DNA-84910 Fix output type selection of SW H.264 decoder
  - DNA-84938 Prepare stable build with Yx 05 edition
  - DNA-84969 Address bar dropdown launches HTTP GETs for every

------------------  2020-3-9  -  Mar 9 2020  -------------------

++++ devilutionx:

  - Update to version 1.0.1
    * Toggle fullscreen at any point by hitting alt+enter (mouse grab
    can be disabled in diablo.ini)
    * Controller: B button closes the currently active panel.
    * Added a navigation menu for controllers
    * Focus on the exit item before quitting.
    * Minor performance improvements (save/load time and main menu).
    * Game crashing on systems that do not report monitor refresh
    * Fixed belt not working correctly when holding shift on us
    keyboard layouts
    * Always keep track of the latest hero level when selecting
    * Correct screenshot path
    * Turn the screen red for 200ms when taking screenshots.
    * Fix town load screen missing on the first load for 32bit systems.
    * Fix minor HOM issue at some houses in town.
    * Allow for space as text input
    * Fixed a couple of typos in error messages
    Original Diablo bugs
    * Fix belt not working correctly when holding shift on *non-*us
    keyboard layouts
    * Fix one more rare crash.

------------------  2020-3-6  -  Mar 6 2020  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - Use ffmpeg as bcond since it already exists in Packman

------------------  2020-3-5  -  Mar 5 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 67.0.3575.53
  - CHR-7792 Update chromium on desktop-stable-80-3575
    to 80.0.3987.122
  - DNA-84024 ‘Save all Tabs in Speed Dial Folder’ doesn’t work
    on main context menu
  - DNA-84056 Submenus are not scrollable
  - DNA-84061 Expanded bookmark menu overlaps the whole toolbar
  - DNA-84277 Whole text should be visible
  - DNA-84412 Dragging tab to different place activates another tab
  - DNA-84492 Disable any notifications for “default browser”
    from sweetlabs builds
  - DNA-84691 Crash when trying to open sidebar context menu

------------------  2020-2-28  -  Feb 28 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 67.0.3575.31
  - DNA-84077 Hide seek and timer controls in video pop-out
    for YouTube live streams
  - DNA-84639 Promote O67 to stable
  - Complete Opera 67.0 changelog at:

------------------  2020-2-26  -  Feb 26 2020  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - Update to version 0.0.10
    * No upstream release notes.
  - Remove installation of libVkICD_mock_icd.so which was removed
  - Install chrome-sandbox which was added
  - Correct indentation in spec and changes files.

------------------  2020-2-24  -  Feb 24 2020  -------------------

++++ discord:

  - Added bcond to allow building with embedded libffmpeg.so. This
    will allow building the package with patent encoumbered codecs
    in Packman.

------------------  2020-2-18  -  Feb 18 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 66.0.3515.103
  - DNA-83528 UnpackTest.CanUnpackTarXzFile test fails on OSX 10.15+
  - DNA-83568 Add test driver perftests
  - DNA-84335 [Linux] Widevine is not working due to changed
    path of libwidevinecdm.so
  - DNA-84439 Opera extensions update requests are sent to chrome
    instead of opera servers

------------------  2020-2-5  -  Feb 5 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 66.0.3515.72
  - DNA-79691 Unable to play video on Netflix right after Opera
  - DNA-82102 Wrong cursor and X color of the search fields on
    Bookmark/History sidebar panels
  - DNA-82722 Google Translator blocks PDF viewer
  - DNA-83407 Crash at static void
    `anonymous namespace”::PureCall()
  - DNA-83530 Bad colors in Personal news when dark theme turned on
  - DNA-83531 Dragging speed dial root folders in bookmarks
    sidebar makes duplicates
  - DNA-83542 Fix background tabs loading issues
  - DNA-83806 Crash at opera::RichHintDisplayHandlerViews::
  - DNA-83882 Crash at base::Value::Clone()
  - DNA-84007 Accessibility elements visible on pages after
    first navigation on Mac

------------------  2020-1-29  -  Jan 29 2020  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 5.9.1
    * Based on WinRAR version 5.90 beta1

------------------  2020-1-24  -  Jan 24 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 66.0.3515.44
  - CHR-7734 Update chromium on desktop-stable-79-3515
    to 79.0.3945.130
  - DNA-82635 [Mac] Fix crash when opening power save popup twice
  - DNA-83587 Fix Crash at
  - DNA-83698 Unregister extensions keybindings when sidebar
    is hidden
  - DNA-83757 Stop making thumbnail after history onboarding
    will show

------------------  2020-1-20  -  Jan 20 2020  -------------------

++++ bladeRF-fpga-firmware:

  - Change license to SUSE-NonFree

------------------  2020-1-19  -  Jan 19 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 66.0.3515.36
  - CHR-7717 Update chromium on desktop-stable-79-3515
    to 79.0.3945.117
  - DNA-81359 Translate “Speed Dials” folder in bookmarks panel
  - DNA-82627 Unify & streamline tooltip color processing
    across Opera.
  - DNA-82800 Enable
    kFeatureTurnOnFeaturesDownloadedByInstallerOnUpdates on
    all streams
  - DNA-83190 Record SwitchToFullSite events on icon clicks.
  - DNA-83496 Check if history-panel is enabled before showing
  - DNA-83545 Fix a crash in adblocker rule update
  - DNA-83583 [Mac] Bookmark popup too bright in dark mode
  - DNA-83608 Set “plat” metadata in crash reports from Linux.

------------------  2020-1-13  -  Jan 13 2020  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 66.0.3515.27
  - DNA-82683 Bookmarks menu is not readable in dark mode
    after hovering
  - DNA-83139 [macOS] screenshot is resized
  - DNA-83204 [Mac] Anchor onboarding widget to history
    icon on sidebar
  - DNA-83205 [Mac] Popup looks bad with mode change
  - DNA-83351 Enable feature on stable/beta
  - DNA-83366 [Mac] Onboarding popup doesn’t follow the browser
  - DNA-83402 Promote O66 to stable
  - Complete Opera 66.0 changelog at:

------------------  2020-1-3  -  Jan 3 2020  -------------------

++++ iozone:

  - Update to version 3_488:
    * mprove the Yates/Knuth method for shuffle.

------------------  2020-1-1  -  Jan 1 2020  -------------------

++++ devilutionx:

  - Update to version 1.0.0
    * FPS no longer capped at 20hz; smoother mouse and transitions
    * Full-featured gamepad support
    * All movies can now be skipped via ESC
    * Implement --help, --version and --data-dir
    * Implement FPS counter (-f)
    * Force windowed mode with -x
    * Skip startup movies with -n
    * Implement scroll wheel navigation
    * Implement touch support
    * Load assets from the same folder as the mpq
    * Faster loading
    * Fixed random missing sounds
    * Fixed NPCs not talking about the right quest
    * Error messages implemented in GUI
    * Fixed having to restart the game between network sessions
    * Fixed game not working on Radeon on some GPUs
    * Fixed panel missing after minimizing game is upscaling is
    * Fixed clicks in the left letterbox being incorrectly handled
    * Fixed end movie not looping
    Original Diablo bugs
    * Fixed a large number of rare stability issues from the
    original game
    * Correctly take open panels into account when casting spells
    * Fix sound some times being muted after Diablo dies
  - Drop not longer needed patch:
    * devilutionx-fix-build.patch

------------------  2019-12-30  -  Dec 30 2019  -------------------

++++ steam:

  - Drop libnm-glib4 and libnm-util2 dependencies: steam appears to
    run just fine without those libs nowadays (boo#1157903).

------------------  2019-12-11  -  Dec 11 2019  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 5.8.5
    * Based on WinRAR version 5.80 final

------------------  2019-12-10  -  Dec 10 2019  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 65.0.3467.69
  - DNA-82647 Tab icons mixed after Tab closing
  - DNA-82919 Update wrapper to skip package types when
    creating repo
  - DNA-82967 [Mac] Opera crashes on dragging the SSL icon
    on the URL Bar

------------------  2019-12-4  -  Dec 4 2019  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 65.0.3467.62
  - CHR-7658 Update chromium on desktop-stable-78-3467
    to 78.0.3904.108
  - DNA-81387 Remove support for old bundle structure
    in signing scripts
  - DNA-81675 Update widevine signature localisation in
    signed packages
  - DNA-81884 [Advanced content blocking] Ads are blocked
    for whitelisted page in Incognito
  - DNA-82230 [Mac] URL is not correctly aligned when
    the Geolocation is ON
  - DNA-82368 Generating diffs for unsinged packages doesn’t work
  - DNA-82414 Wrong number of trackers displayed just after
    deactivating adblocker
  - DNA-82470 [Linux] Snap package doesn’t recognise GNOME 3.24
    platform snap connection
  - DNA-82473 https://www.nba.com/standings not working with
    AdBlocker enabled
  - DNA-82484 Update content blocking icon
  - DNA-82485 [Mac 10.15] Opera installer error at the end of
    installation process
  - DNA-82508 [Adblocker] Predefault lists can not be unchecked
  - DNA-82557 Address bar dropdown launches HTTP GETs for
    every autocomplete
  - DNA-82596 Do not block first-party ‘trackers’
  - DNA-82616 Settings – Tracker Blocker – Add “Learn more” link
  - DNA-82626 [Win] High CPU usage due to media indicator animation
  - DNA-82647 Tab icons mixed after Tab closing
  - DNA-82742 Pages won’t load after closing private mode
  - DNA-82768 Mark also the reference group in “exp” header
    for DNA-81658
  - DNA-82840 Disable favicon fetching for typed URLs
  - Complete Opera 65.0 changelog at:

------------------  2019-11-19  -  Nov 19 2019  -------------------

++++ perlref:

  - fix build, convert to pdf format

------------------  2019-11-17  -  Nov 17 2019  -------------------

++++ unrar:

  - Update to version 5.8.4
    * Based on WinRAR version 5.80 beta 4

------------------  2019-11-7  -  Nov 7 2019  -------------------

++++ opera:

  - Update to version 64.0.3417.92
  - DNA-81358 Wrong key color on extension popup in dark mode
  - DNA-82208 Cherry-pick CVE-2019-13721 and CVE-2019-13720