From bae9308ec157378bd22ce4f4a0226f1e7ef23594 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anatol Pomozov <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2020 20:46:44 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Fix ruby SWIG bindings generation

bindings/swig/ generates a swig interface file for ruby bindings
that includes docstrings with comments braces ( /* and */ ) like this:

  %feature("docstring") sigrok::Channel::type "/* Type of this channel. */\n";
  %feature("docstring") sigrok::Channel::enabled "/* Enabled status of this channel. */\n";

SWIG generates *.cxx and adds its own braces to the docstring:

/*/* Document-class: Sigrok::Error
Exception thrown when an error code is returned by any libsigrok call. */

this causes compilation error for Ruby bindings.

To fix the error we should not add extra braces to the docstring.
With this patch libsigrok compiles fine with with ruby 2.7 and swig 4.0.2.

Fixes bug #1526

Signed-off-by: Anatol Pomozov <>
 bindings/swig/ | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bindings/swig/ b/bindings/swig/
index e8767af8..182f5477 100644
--- a/bindings/swig/
+++ b/bindings/swig/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ for compound in index.findall('compound'):
         if language == 'python':
             print('%%feature("docstring") %s "%s";' % (class_name, brief))
         elif language == 'ruby':
-            print('%%feature("docstring") %s "/* Document-class: %s\\n%s */\\n";' % (class_name, class_name.replace("sigrok", "Sigrok", 1), brief))
+            print('%%feature("docstring") %s "Document-class: %s\\n%s\\n";' % (class_name, class_name.replace("sigrok", "Sigrok", 1), brief))
         elif language == 'java':
             print('%%typemap(javaclassmodifiers) %s "/** %s */\npublic class"' % (
             class_name, brief))
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ for compound in index.findall('compound'):
                             for name, desc in parameters.items()]) + '";')
                 if language == 'ruby' and kind == 'public-func':
                     print(str.join('\n', [
-                        '%%feature("docstring") %s::%s "/* %s' % (
+                        '%%feature("docstring") %s::%s "%s' % (
                             class_name, member_name, brief)] + [
                         '@param %s %s' % (name, desc)
-                            for name, desc in parameters.items()]) + ' */\\n";')
+                            for name, desc in parameters.items()]) + '\\n";')
                 elif language == 'java' and kind == 'public-func':
                         print(str.join('\n', [
                             '%%javamethodmodifiers %s::%s "/** %s' % (
@@ -111,4 +111,4 @@ for compound in index.findall('compound'):
     elif language == 'ruby' and constants:
         for member_name, brief in constants:
-            print('%%feature("docstring") %s::%s "/* %s */\\n";' % (class_name, member_name, brief))
+            print('%%feature("docstring") %s::%s "%s\\n";' % (class_name, member_name, brief))