# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit cdrom estack DESCRIPTION="Data files for Descent 2: The Vertigo Series" HOMEPAGE="https://www.interplay.com" S="${WORKDIR}" LICENSE="descent-data" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="videos" RESTRICT="bindist" src_unpack() { cdrom_get_cds vertigo/d2x.hog:hoard.ham case ${CDROM_SET} in 0) einfo "Found Descent 2 Vertigo Series CD" ;; 1) einfo "Found Descent 2 Vertigo Series installation" ;; esac cd "${CDROM_ABSMATCH%/*}" || die eshopts_push -s globstar nocaseglob nullglob # Strip directories # Lowercase # *.{hog,mn2} into data/missions # Remainder into data tar -c -f - \ --mode=u+w \ --ignore-case \ --xform='s:.*/::xg' \ --xform='s:.*:\L\0:x' \ --xform='s:.*\.(hog|mn2)$:data/missions/\0:x' \ --xform='s:^[^/]+$:data/\0:x' \ --exclude="$(use videos || echo '*.mvl')" \ **/{hoard.ham,d2x-h.mvl,{d2x,panic}.{hog,mn2}}* \ | tar -x -f - -C "${WORKDIR}" assert "tar failed" eshopts_pop } src_install() { insinto /usr/share/games/d2x doins -r data/* } pkg_postinst() { elog "A client is needed to run the game, e.g. games-action/dxx-rebirth." echo }